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Blog on Linux and Wheels

New Home! Moved to vlevit.org


About two years ago I created a blog on Blogger called zeuhl-mode. It was the blog in Russian on Linux related programs I used or I created for myself. I liked Blogger more or less — it was easy to start a new blog and it was possible to paste HTML code in post forms. I used to write posts in Org mode and then used to export them to HTML.

Over time I have discovered a lot of pitfalls in my workflow. I had to copy+paste code on every post edit, copy+paste titles and tags. I didn't like Blogger comments and image uploading (since I didn't use web interface for writing). And I didn't like how Blogger managed themes.

Around the same time I started writing non-tech notes that led me to thinking about creation of my own site to keep a few blogs in a single place.

Static Website Generators: Advantages and Disadvantages

Use of static website generator for my purpose might seem to be a simple and natural solution. Besides obvious advantages such as low requirements for hosting and high site speed such solution has nice side effects:

  • everything is stored in plain text
  • it is easy to keep a blog in version control
  • choice of markup language is up to the user
  • site can be viewed locally
  • publication can be as easy as spawning the command (e.g. git push)

However static website generators have a significant downside. For obvious reasons they can't have comments. This problem is usually addressed with external comments services, like Disqus, which can be embedded to a web page as JavaScript module. I am not a big fan of such services for technical reasons and control considerations.

Development of This Website

I do not find my decision to develop a whole new site from scratch ill-considered because I find that any existing solution would have required considerable work to adopt it to my purposes. The main requirement for the site was to preserve the workflow which is typical for static website generators.


I decided to write the website using Django web framework and host it on Heroku. The workflow is the following. Both code and content reside in a single git repository. To publish a blog git push is executed which initiates web site deployment and HTTP POST hook triggers importing site to a database.

Unlike most static website generators which usually don't track changes, but generate all pages from scratch every time they are called, in our case it's necessary to maintain database state, which requires to track post deletion, creation, and modification. The code responsible for this is located in importers.py. To speedup site import it is performed only when file changes. A single file can contain many posts, it's convenient for blog with short posts.


Markdown is used as markup language. But before Markdown markup is converted to HTML, it is pre-processed with two additional steps. In the first step the following string

/title: New Home! Moved to vlevit.org

is converted to

{% title New Home! Moved to vlevit.org %}

and thus, file becomes a valid Django template. In the second step the resulting template is rendered, and variables like title are saved. In the last step post content is processed with Markdown. Such approach allows to set post title, date, tags, insert images without making sources less readable. The source of this post can be viewed here.


Since comments are in fact the only excuse why I don't use static website generators, they deserved more love. Naturally, the first solution I had a look at was django.conrtib.comments. It appeared that threaded comments are not supported but the framework is extensible. Then I found extension of Django comments called django-threadedcomments. After some investigation it appeared that both implementations are not very flexible... Around the same time Django 1.5 was released and in the documentation of Django's development version a notice appeared saying that django.conrtib.comments is deprecated. And what is supposed for us to use instead? Disqus... I couldn't accept the fact I had lived a few days for nothing and implemented comments right atop of django-threadedcomments.

In my modification comment submission and preview, comment list update and form validation make use of Ajax requests. Comments can be written in Markdown. Syntax highlighting is enabled and thanks to Pygments a lot of languages are supported. Even autoit!

Required fields are only name and comment. I still doesn't completely understand why almost all comment systems require email. It is usually not verified, thus it can be invalid, and email subscription if it exists has to be optional and available for everybody, but not only for those who left a comment. Or is nowadays email used for a single purpose of displaying avatar from Gravatar?.. While it remains a mystery for me, I don't collect your emails!

Importing and Exporting Comments

I pulled out comments from Atom, which Blogger exports to, with regular expressions and put them to readable YAML. Comments are stored in tree-like structure (recursive list of dictionaries) and comment's content resides there in Markdown, therefore comments sources are easy to read. Import and export functions are located in views/comments.py.

Website Design

I am a modest person, so design of my website is not pretensions. Some elements of design were inspired by distractable.net and Redux theme, the default Tumblr theme some time ago. The goal of my design was to make it clean and make big posts readable.

My experiments with web fonts have no result. It is hard to pick up a suitable font with Latin and Cyrillic glyphs. Also this increases a load size, in particular if different fonts for headlines and regular text are used. In the end, I decided to use sans-serif almost everywhere with hope that the system will pick up a readable font.

At first I left font size the default value1, relying on that default values must be reasonable. My system sans serif font is Dejavu Sans, which is much larger than most other sans serif fonts. That's why I often decrease font size specially for badly designed sites which break with my font. The default font size was too big for Dejavu Sans, but my expectation was that it should be more reasonable in different systems. After a time thanks to netrender I found that I was wrong: 16px sans serif font in Internet Explorer is huge too. I wonder why modern browsers have such default values? Just for historical reasons? In the end, I set font size to 14px for blogs with long posts and 13px for blogs with smaller posts.

The amount of images on this site is as little as possible. At the moment of writing there are only a few images: favicon, avatar and RSS icon. External widgets and other tracking elements are not used.


The site is deployed on Heroku, PaaS with Python support. Without doubt deployment is very convenient, and administration is almost not needed. But it has downsides too. You don't have control over the environment. Instead you are supposed to use add-ons for such things like data store, caching, logging, monitoring and other services. Most of add-ons like dynos (containers which applications run on) has freemium business model, which means that some small amount of functionality is provided for free, but if you want more, you have to pay. In some way it can explain rather big prices for paid services.

This site uses only free services of Heroku. The main limitation for such small sites as this one is that dyno falls asleep after hour of inactivity (adding one more dyno will prevent them from sleeping and will cost 35$/month) and it takes about 10 seconds to handle the first request which wakes up the dyno. The limitation can be overcome with periodic pinging of the site. In my case it is performed by New Relic add-on, the monitoring service. Static content is stored in Amazon S3 since Heroku doesn't provide a similar service.

OpenShift, PaaS from Red Hat, is one of alternatives to Heroku. Both Heroku and OpenShift are functioning on AWS. I find this fact sad. Basically, such PaaS are functioning only because of different business model.

Collecting Statistics

I did not want to use external web services, such as Google Analytics, to collect requests statistics. And since there is no control over a web server, we have to collect statistics on Django application level. I use django-request for this purpose. It provides basic statistics for web site requests: traffic graph, number of requests per page, referrers, browser statistics and few others. I recommend installing the version from GitHub because PyPI contains the ancient version.

Since user requests are processed by Heroku "routers", the application gets the value of REMOTE_ADDR set to IP of such router, which caused my own requests to affect the results. This issue can be solved by taking into account the value of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, which Dajngo 1.0 even had special middleware for. I just copied it to my project.


I learn almost about everything I am interested in from feeds. That's why I don't like authors' blogs which have their posts cut in feeds. I usually don't subscribe to them. If you are an author of a such blog, please think twice, how much you win (or lose) forcing your readers to visit your site.

While there is a rather small amount of posts on the site and traffic is quite low, all posts are put to feeds. In the future I will probably set some limit. There are three types of RSS-feeds on posts: a feed for posts from all blogs


from the specific blog (e.g. tech)


and from the specific tag (e.g. Python)


Also there are three types of feeds for comments: a feed for all comments from all blogs, a feed for all comments from the specific blog (e.g. tech) and a feed for comments to the specific post (e.g. vlevit-org). Then feed urls will be as follows (in that order):


To subscribe to a Russian version of a blog replace en with ru in the links above.

Transferring the Website

All the content of tech blog has been on zeuhl-mode up to this post. Half year ago I transferred zeuhl-mode to a new domain blog.vlevit.org. After a time I will setup a redirection from blog.vlevit.org to vlevit.org and I will try to keep all links valid. The old blog will stay on Blogger — I don't like when people take everything away along with them.

Read and enjoy!

  1. 16px for most browsers 

  2. And please don't read if you don't enjoy! 


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You can write here in Markdown